Before submitting your first ticket, we suggest you create a support account so you can track
the status of your issue:
- Click on Sign UP in the upper right hand corner.
- Enter you name and contact email address
- Go to your email inbox
- You will receive an email that will provide a link to set up your password.
- Return to the Knowledgebase page and Login
Submitting a support ticket:
- Click on New Support Ticket
- Your email address will be auto-filled
- In the Subject box, provide a short name for your issue, i.e. can't find downloaded map
- In the Description box, provide as much detail as you can. You can include images,
links to online information that might show an example of issue,
attach a file that provides additional information
After you submit your support ticket, you will receive an acknowledgement email
To check the status of your ticket, click on the link in the acknowledgement email, login, and
click on Check Ticket Status.